Scir of #capcom
Other Nicks: None
Real Name: Ali Williams
Age: 23
Birthday: 10/8/76

hi. my name is ali williams from brooklyn new york. i am 23. i usually play at local candy stores and mom and pop arcades. sometimes i go to chinatown fair in manhattan and smiles arcade on bay parkway in brooklyn. my fav sf games to play are ST, alpha 2/3, and Marvel vs. Capcom. one thing i dont like in games is when ppl resort to throwing in order to win with characters like the shoto boys. i can understand if you are using guys like zangief to throw, but thats about it. another thing i hate is when someone runs in the corner in MvC and waits for you to jump and then he calls out colosus and then after you get hit he does a super. i prefer extreme high offense over strategy anyday. strategy does win but its more fun to watch an exciting match with no one waiting in the corner or turtling. thats all for me. see ya around the local arcades in new york :)

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