Kuro of #capcom
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Other Nicks: Kuroppi, Kurolento
Real Name: Bob Painter
Age: 23
Birthday: 4-17-75
E-mail: kuroppi@netscape.net

This twizzler addict will be attending his last tournament at ECC4, so if any of you have ever wanted a shot at this CA Honda player, don't miss this opportunity. Strike Three and the rest of that random series doesn't interest me at all and I don't want to wait another 5 years for a decent SF game. A3 is my current favorite version, but ST will always be #1. If anyone still wants a copy of the A3 nationals, send me an e-mail and I'll get a copy out to you (and I don't send out blank tapes like some people do). A shout out to all the #1 EC Zangief players (my counter reads +41 and i'm the OG v-gief!), to W-E-A-K ass wizard, lucky seth, and that 12 yr old gay vegetarian who made me submit this profile (v-ken owns you).

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